Needed: much more protein
I think I may need much more protein in my little Mexican life. For some reason my taste-buds lean towards carbs – not protein, so balancing Intuitive eating with my nutritional needs is going to take some work.
I have been really trying to listen to my body, but the last few afternoons (pre and post-vacation/marathon) I’ve gotten really snacky after lunch. I find myself grabbing big handfuls of trail mix or scoops of PB on bread. While some of it may have been tension related, I do think my body isn’t getting all the protein it needs considering I was training for, and now recovering from, a marathon.
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0 seconds of 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Marathon training Day 1
The next few days I’m going to work on incorporating protein into breakfast in an effort to start the day with a balanced body and blood sugar ?
Around 10:30am I was hungry, but in the middle of a project. I chose to break with an apple. Again, my hand isn’t dirty, I’m still scarred from my last fall ?
Today’s lunch had protein in the form of TJ’s egg white salad. I lalalove this stuff and used to purchase it all the time at home!
I piled the whole container in a wrap. I also had some baked Cheetos on the side, but my hand was too covered in orange dust to bust out the camera!
After lunch I still wanted something, preferably something sweet so I had an english muffin with PB&J… In hindsight I probably ought to have had something like yogurt and fruit or veggies with hummus, but whatev.
I already have a list of protein filled breakfasts to try! I’m thrilled ?
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