I’m Addicted to Sugar


Ben didn’t work today so we chose to do a “day date”. By the time we chose this it was lunch time so we picked the closest place, Sizzler. fancy huh.

It’s hard to pile salad on a flat plate, so I had two…
أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بي

My beautiful wife in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review
My beautiful wife in the Pysch Ward : A Memoir
by mark Lukach

Audio book review of the best selling memoir released 2017.

Is it a good listen?
I’m sharing a quick review of the book available on Audible.

From Amazon:

A heart-wrenching yet hopeful memoir of a young marriage that is redefined by mental disease and affirms the power of love.

Mark and Giulia’s life together began as a fairy-tale romance. They fell in love at eighteen, got married at twenty-four, and started their dream life in San Francisco soon after. but when Giulia was twenty-seven, she suffered a frightening and unexpected psychotic break that landed her in the psych ward for nearly a month. one day she was dynamic and well adjusted; the next, she was delusional and suicidal, convinced that her loved ones were not safe.

What book or podcast are you listening to now??

What ought to I listen to next?!

Links to the book and other reviews are on RunEatRepeat.com

فيديوهات اكثر

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 31 seconds

Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review


We just did the salad bar and two warm very soft rolls were delivered to our table with honey butter. Ah-mazing.

Then, we went to see Wanderlust. I liked it!

After the film we took a little stroll around the neighborhood. I tried to take in the beautiful day because it’s expected to pour all weekend. بوو.

Then, I had a nervous breakdown.

Not really, but close. I all of a sudden got hungry or low blood sugar or something and became unpleasant. I wanted Yogurtland, a cupcake and a cookie. all of them.

I gave up fro-yo for Lent and knowing myself, tried to avoid all sweets because sugar begets sugar. But, I finally lost it today. I ate this bar in my purse, but my sugar tooth was not satisfied.

When we got home I made a complete dinner – salad with Indian style spinach and chicken. I had a piece of whole wheat bread on the side. But, my sweet tooth was still raging.

So, I’ve diagnosed myself with a full on sugar addiction. I would read sugar busters, but I already know the drill. Besides, I’m still on “step one: admitting there’s a problem”. I’ll relocation on tomorrow.

Oh, Ben tried the Taco Loco from Taco Bell today – a taco with a Dorito shell. It wasn’t life changing.

Back to my sugar addiction…

I spent the rest of the evening researching sugar addiction. doctor Oz takes this very seriously and I ought to too.

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You can view the clip and read much more here on the ABC news site.

I also found a lot of info on the Paleo diet eliminates grains, dairy and sugar I did some research on it and asked Ben to weigh in. Which brings me to…

 Ben’s comment of the Day:

Me: Babe, what do you think about the Paleo Diet?

Ben: eat like a caveman? Didn’t they eat bugs and dirt??

Me: Not the ones that survived.

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